Climb Confidant

Project Overview

The goal of this assignment was to go beyond advertising by using branded content. Unlike traditional advertising, we want to subtly present the brand in a manner that doesn’t force itself upon the consumer. With this idea in mind, I created a social climbing app where users can help build and update a database of climbing routes and provide feedback and insight about routes in the area. For instance, a user could comment on a route to say it starts out as a leisurely 5.6, but quickly escalates to challenging 5.12b.

Background Info

The name “Climb Confidant” is meant to imply that this app is your climbing buddy, while ensuring that you have the info you need to have a safe & informed climb. Many times traditional guidebooks are out of date, so this app would exist in place of a guide book and would stay updated constantly.

The Deets
  • Made as a student at the University of Utah.
  • Completed in 2014